What is carbon footprint?
A carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual or organization.
Each year, China Airlines uses carbon footprint calculation tools to analyze the carbon emissions generated by passenger/freight services. Not only does this serve as an important basis for corporate carbon reduction management, it also helps our customers understand the environmental impact of their flights.
Each year, China Airlines uses carbon footprint calculation tools to analyze the carbon emissions generated by passenger/freight services. Not only does this serve as an important basis for corporate carbon reduction management, it also helps our customers understand the environmental impact of their flights.
How to calculate the carbon emissions of the aircraft?
By adopting the ICAO and IATA Carbon Emissions Calculator Methodology, we use actual flight fuel consumption, number of seats per aircraft and passenger/cargo loadings to calculate your share of the flight’s emissions.
Note 1. We calculate the distance between airports using the ‘great circle distance’, which is the shortest distance between two points on the globe. Multiplying this distance by the carbon factor per km for your journey provides the total [carbon footprinting](http://calec.china-airlines.com/csr/en/environment/charity-plan.html#anchor-carbon)

Note 1. We calculate the distance between airports using the ‘great circle distance’, which is the shortest distance between two points on the globe. Multiplying this distance by the carbon factor per km for your journey provides the total [carbon footprinting](http://calec.china-airlines.com/csr/en/environment/charity-plan.html#anchor-carbon)
Are your emissions factors updated regularly?
Since 2015, China Airlines has updated and disclosed its carbon footprint results every year. In the future, we will update our carbon footprint data annually based on actual flight and passenger/freight data.
Does China Airlines compare its carbon footprint results with other airlines?
There are no consistent aviation carbon footprint calculation standards in the world, so we chose to adopt the ICAO guidelines, as this is the closest measurement to an industry standard. Other airlines may also refer to ICAO guidelines. However, each airline has its own carbon emission calculation methods, including fuel emission coefficient, passenger/freight data range (calculated as the actual revenue portion or calculated in terms of maximum capacity), the passenger/freight data distribution and the flight distance, etc. On the other hand, the operational characteristics, type of aircraft used, type of passenger/freight services and cabin facilities might be different too. All the factors above may affect the calculation results, so it is not suitable for direct comparison.
Is carbon offsetting from my flight mandatory?
No, it’s entirely voluntary. By calculating the climate impact from your flight and paying to reduce that impact you are choosing to take responsibility for those emissions. Please note that once you have completed the payment, no refund can be made.
Where does my offset payment go?
Your offset payment goes directly to Climate Impact Partners for the purchase of your carbon offset certificates. China Airlines does not take any administration fee and provides all the funding required to provide our carbon offset service.
How do I know my offset has been completed?
Once you have completed your payment you will automatically receive a certificate from Climate Impact Partners confirming that the payment has been received and the carbon offset has been completed.
What are the projects that I am supporting?
We are working with climate and development experts Climate Impact Partners to provide your carbon offset certificates. The carbon reduction projects we support are independently verified to internationally recognized carbon standards – both the Gold Standard (GS) and Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).
How are carbon credits produced?
Carbon reductions made by emission reduction projects must be verified by an independent agency and approved by the standard body. Once approved, carbon credits are issued. Each carbon credit issued represents one tonne of carbon not released into the atmosphere.
We’ve partnered with award winning climate and sustainable development specialists, Climate Impact Partners, to ensure the carbon credits provided are in accordance with standards set by the Gold Standard and the Verified Carbon Standard. After the carbon offsetting process is completed, Climate Impact Partners will provide relevant certification information.
We’ve partnered with award winning climate and sustainable development specialists, Climate Impact Partners, to ensure the carbon credits provided are in accordance with standards set by the Gold Standard and the Verified Carbon Standard. After the carbon offsetting process is completed, Climate Impact Partners will provide relevant certification information.
Is it possible to receive a refund for my payment?
We are not able to offer refunds for your carbon offset payments.
Who do I contact if there is any problem?
For any technical problems with the carbon footprint calculator, please contact Carbon Analytics at support@co2analytics.com.
To know more about carbon offset projects, please visit Climate Impact Partners.
To know more about China Airlines environmental management and carbon management, please contact environment@china-airlines.com
To know more about carbon offset projects, please visit Climate Impact Partners.
To know more about China Airlines environmental management and carbon management, please contact environment@china-airlines.com